Frequently Asked Question

Supporting a Student's Funding Application
Last Updated 2 years ago


Students applying for College funding should do so in partnership with a Tutor or Director of Studies (DoS). Details can be found at this location. In all cases, you should use a @murrayedwards email address as part of the College's information management and data protection procedures. 

Make sure the student is communicating with you via your @murrayedwards email address. If you don't know your credentials, please open a ticket and one of the IT Team will be happy to facilitate. The main reason for this is to keep any sensitive information, such as financial details or personal circumstances, within the security systems of Murray Edwards College. 


If a student is seeking support for financial difficulties, their supporting Tutor or DoS will need to submit a budget completed by the student. It is a two-page spreadsheet which you can download from this page.

Image for download link
click to download

Again, this must be done using your @murrayedwards account to access the application within the Tutorial Office.


As a tutor or DoS, you should consider helping the student fill in the form


When this form is submitted, you will receive an email explaining the process and a request to approve or reject the application. The Tutorial Office will receive a notification that a new application has been completed.


A link to the application will be found in the email you received from service.flow. For example:


open the link in blue to view the list item, which is populated by the form. The view you see will appear like this, but with accurate information.


4. [Hardship fund only]

Ensure the budget document completed by the student is checked over, then email this document to The funding request will not be considered if the budget document is not received by Tutorial.


Once you have reviewed the application, you need to approve or reject the application. This will be in your Teams notifications before you receive an email.

Note: you may need to check your 'Other' inbox tab if you have not trusted

You are invited to comment on your decision using either response method. 


Please note, that once you have confirmed your decision, you can only change your mind by editing the list item in SharePoint. When the Approve/Reject decision is submitted, both the student and the Tutorial Office will receive confirmation of the outcome.

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