Frequently Asked Question

How do I access emails and work online?
Last Updated 4 years ago

**Important Account Setup Information**

Before you get started looking around your accounts and exploring apps, we strongly suggest familiarising yourself with Raven, the University's centralised authentication system. It's very important to Take some time to come up with a strong password, guidance can be found here. Once you've set a very strong password, the first thing you should do is go to the Password Management System and select Edit Settings to set up self-service password recovery.

After going through this page, filling everything in and entering your password to save settings, you will be able to reset your password much easier if you lose it. Standard procedure for resetting a Raven password is an incredibly time consuming process!

Once you've familiarised yourself with the process of logging in, you are ready to start creating! All new Cambridge students are automatically set up with a Microsoft Exchange account which is set up with various apps to make studying a seamless and enjoyable process.

Microsoft Office 365 provides a web-based client (app) within a browser, which handles your email and documents. It's just like having a small computer that lives online and is accessible anywhere. The best way to get used to it is to just sign in with your Raven credentials and have a look around!

Click to get started

You'll find apps such as Word, Excel and Outlook, which hopefully you'll be familiar with. OneDrive is your file storage system, and Teams enables you to make video calls and collaborate in groups, share documents and arrange meetings.

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