Frequently Asked Question

Using Remote Desktop with multiple screens
Last Updated 11 months ago

When working from home you may wish to spread your Remote Desktop window over two or more screens. If you have attempted to add a second screen whilst remotely logged into your office PC after following the steps in 'Using the VPN', you will likely be met with a message saying "Display settings cannot be changed from a remote session". In order enable the use of multiple screens during remote sessions, you must enable this option when creating the Remote Desktop shortcut. This short guide will walk you through how to enable the use of multiple screens during remote sessions.

This guide assumes that you have been able to successfully configure your VPN and connect to your office PC remotely using Remote Desktop as described in knowledgebase article 'Using the VPN'. 

1. Click the magnifying glass in the task bar and search for 'Remote'. This should bring up the Remote Desktop Connection application. Click to open it.


2. Click 'Show Options


3. Navigate to the Display tab (1) and then check the tickbox 'Use all my monitors for the remote session' (2). Make sure this option is ticked.


4. Now navigate back to the General tab (1) and enter the IP Address of your office computer in the field marked Computer (2) and your @murrayedwards email address in the field marked Username (3). Once you have entered those details click Save As (4). This will create an RDP file which effectively acts like a shortcut to your remote desktop.


5. Select the location to save the RDP shortcut (1), enter an intuitive name for the shortcut such as "Remote Desktop (Multi-Display)" (2) and then click Save (3).


6. Your RDP shortcut will now be saved to the location you selected. Opening this shortcut will log you into Remote Desktop using the settings and credentials you entered in the previous steps. Importantly, this shortcut has the correct configuration to allow you to use multiple displays within your remote session.

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